
"ICE CREEEEAM!" (We're all screaming)

Back in early 2019, just as Jack jnr was getting on board at the roastery, the opportunity to purchase a little ice cream and coffee shop on Maheke Street, Saint Heliers arose. And we took it.

The Village Co-Op is a quaint little takeaway joint that crafts its own ice cream from its own recipes, all out the back. Every recipe is super special, not only because of its flavour, but because there are no preservatives, added colours, etc... essentially everything in the ice cream could be found in your grandma's cupboard! We think it's pretty fantastic.

Not only that, but the coffee there is pretty great (if we do say so ourselves!) We thought it good enough to name our 3rd blend after the street, hence Maheke Blend.

Now before I start waffling on about how Saint Heliers is a great place to visit, how the staff are genuinely wonderful, and how we have a mild obsession with dogs... I'll point you to our instagram and you can see it!

1 comment

Megan Mayer

Megan Mayer

Good coffee, good ice cream, at a dog-friendly shop – looking forward to visiting this gem. Thank you for keeping things old school!

Good coffee, good ice cream, at a dog-friendly shop – looking forward to visiting this gem. Thank you for keeping things old school!

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